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Top Doctor in NJ

We asked more than 26,000 New Jersey doctors to tell us which of their fellow practitioners they consider New Jersey’s best doctors. The result: Our 2022 Jersey Choice list of the state’s 1,062 Top Doctors, as chosen by their peers.

12 Products That Actually Work On Breakouts, According To Elite Daily Editors ​

Why I recommend Sunnie Skincare’s Plump It Up: Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum: I got this serum from Dr. Alexis Parcells. She’s the reason I’m no longer afraid of dermatologists, and this serum is the reason I advocate speaking to a derm, even if you’re not dealing with major skin issues.

Your Vulva and Vagina Might Look Different After Giving Birth; Here's Exactly What to Expect.​

Dr Parcells featured on POPSUGAR. Read the full article to see her recommendations.