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Top Doctor in NJ
We asked more than 26,000 New Jersey doctors to tell us which of their fellow practitioners they consider New Jersey’s best doctors. The result: Our 2022 Jersey Choice list of the state’s 1,062 Top Doctors, as chosen by their peers.

12 Products That Actually Work On Breakouts, According To Elite Daily Editors

Your Vulva and Vagina Might Look Different After Giving Birth; Here's Exactly What to Expect.
Dr Parcells featured on POPSUGAR. Read the full article to see her recommendations.

The Dos and Dont’s of Exercising With A Face Mask
“Wearing a mask during exercise will decrease your airflow and make it slightly harder to breathe. However, it will not affect your oxygen or carbon

The Biggest Danger Sign You’re Eating Too Many Potato Chips, Say Experts
“Most traditional potato chips are seasoned with a large amount of salt and oil. Like any junk food, they can be tolerated in small doses

Everything You Need to Know About Skin Tightening and the Best Treatments for Saggy Skin
“It’s important to understand the aging process and how different our bodies are because this influences what will be effective for you and why your

How Long Does It Take for Skincare Products to Work?
“Skincare products have come a long way in terms of effectiveness over the last 20 years,” -Dr. Parcells

What is Psoriasis – and How Can You Treat It?
“You should be empowered to seek treatment and there are affordable ways to improve your symptoms. We’re all human, we’ve all got skin conditions, and

How to Fill Up at the Hydration Station for Maximum Workout Mileage
“Water carries nutrients to your cells, assists in the creation of energy, flushes bacteria from your bladder, and prevents constipation,” Parcells says. “It also promotes

American Society of Plastic Surgeons Says Take the COVID-19 Vaccine
“I completely agree with the recommendation from the ASPS. The reports of reactions from the 3 women represents a tiny percentage of the population, the

The 10 Best Clinical Strength Deodorants and Antiperspirants of 2021
“Avoid applying deodorant or antiperspirant immediately after shaving. Products containing alcohol can cause irritation and an uncomfortable skin reaction. Additionally, make sure you apply the

Want Stronger Hair and Nails Glowing Skin? Try These Collagen Supplements
“When we eat animal products, our digestive enzymes break down the collagen into individual proteins,” says Dr. Alexis Parcells, board-certified plastic surgeon and skincare specialist.

Non-Surgical “Tweakments” for your Face
“Laser resurfacing is an extremely effective procedure that improves the appearance of the skin. The top layers of the skin are vaporized in a process called

The 10 Best Anti-Itch Creams, According to Dermatologists
Colloidal oatmeal is the active ingredient in this steroid-free lotion, which comes highly recommended by plastic surgeon and skincare specialist Alexis Parcells, MD.

To Discover What You Are Really Made Of, You Have Got To Leave Your Comfort Zone
“Dr. Alexis Parcells is a board-certified plastic surgeon. As a woman and a young mother, she speaks openly about the challenges it takes to integrate