Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation surgery will enlarge small breasts and restore volume that may be lost due to weight loss, the effects of pregnancy and breastfeeding, and overall aging.

What is a Breast Augmentation?
Breast augmentation surgery will enlarge small breasts and restore volume that may be lost due to weight loss, the effects of pregnancy and breastfeeding, and overall aging.
Candidates for this surgery are women who are looking to enhance their breast size and shape. Over 300,000 American women undergo breast augmentation surgery (breast implant surgery) every year. It is currently the most common cosmetic surgical procedure performed in the USA. As a female plastic surgeon in New Jersey, Our Plastic Surgeons are distinctively qualified to address your concerns and tailor her technique to achieve your desired results. Her goal is that you receive the very best breast augmentation New Jersey has to offer.
Implant Placement, Size, and Shape
Breast implants can be placed above or below the muscles in the chest. When consulting with Our Plastic Surgeons, she can help to determine which location is best, depending on your goals, body type, and current breast size. Determining the implant size is equally as important, as the same implant will look very different in a woman who is 5’1 and 110 lbs versus a woman who is 6’1 and 175 lbs.
A general rule of thumb is that 250 “cc” of an implant is equivalent to increasing the breast by one cup size. But this is not always the case, as some women have dense breast tissue (vs. glandular) and a wider chest wall than others. Implant volume also goes into account with a patient’s existing breast tissue and current breast shape. The less natural breast tissue one has, the more implant she will need to reach a given volume. Both the saline and silicone gel implant can be customized in a variety of shapes and sizes to achieve your desired result. Our Plastic Surgeons will discuss what breast size would properly fit your frame.
The Facts about Breast Implants
Breast implants are filled with either silicone gel or saline (saltwater). Saline implants gained popularity in the 1990s-2000, as the FDA was studying the safety of silicone gel implants.
Since 2000, the majority of women elect to have silicone gel implants, due to their more natural feel and appearance, less risk of rupture, and a reduction in scarring around the implant. Since 2006, the FDA has shown no link between silicone implants and connective tissue disorders. Our Plastic Surgeons’s practice is a texture-free practice. Textured implants have been linked in the development of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). While the research continues, Our Plastic Surgeons will only utilize techniques that provide the safest outcomes.
Breast Augmentation Surgery & Recovery
On average, breast augmentation surgery can take 1-2 hours and is performed under general anesthesia.
The scar is hidden under the breast and is about 1.5cm in length. A numbing agent is often utilized to relieve discomfort, allowing you to go home that same day. A surgical bra that will be worn for several weeks is also helpful for shaping and recovery. Most women experience mild to moderate discomfort for several days following surgery, but are back to routine activities and work in about a week.
Breast Augmentation vs Breast Lift
Most women experience some ptosis (breast descent) as they age or after pregnancy and breastfeeding. If you are happy with your breast size, a breast lift will restore the breast to a more youthful location.
Women with moderate to severe breast deflation may need to restore volume with the help of an implant. If you suffer from both volume loss and sagging breasts, you may require a combination of implant and a breast lift (mastopexy) at the same time. This combination of lift and breast implants will achieve a natural, full result.
Breast Augmentation Benefits
Breast augmentation provides various benefits. Women obtain a more flattering figure, increasing self-confidence. Other breast augmentation benefits include:
- Feeling more attractive and desirable
- The ability to wear flattering, low-cut clothing
- Improved body proportions
- Larger, better-contoured breasts
You know that when you possess more self-confidence, people respond. Enhanced self-confidence boosts your private and professional lives. Breast augmentation is an investment in your future on several levels.
Most women in good physical and mental health are candidates for breast augmentation. They should have reasonable expectations regarding the outcome of the procedure.
Women who are pregnant or nursing must wait to undergo breast augmentation until after delivery or weaning. Breast cancer survivors are not good candidates for breast augmentation per se, but many women undergoing mastectomy for breast cancer opt for breast reconstruction, which involves implants. Women with an active infection or in otherwise poor health must wait until they recover and are cleared for breast augmentation by their doctor.
Breast Implant Options
Choose between saline or silicone breast implants. The saline is naturally absorbed and excreted by the body if they leak. The implant itself collapses. The latter involves implants filled with silicone gel. Should the implant rupture, the shell of the implant does not collapse.
Round Implants
The advantage of round breast implants is that their shape is symmetrically round and will not change the shape of the breast should movement within the pocket occur. Round implants make the breasts appear more full. They are generally the least costly type of implant.
Textured Implants
Textured breast implants are designed to develop scar tissue around the implant. Because the implants are encased in scar tissue, it is less likely to move around or rotate.
Teardrop Implants
Teardrop implants are designed to mimic the natural shape of the breast. They are also known as gummy bear implants. Even if the implant shell ruptures, gummy bear implants maintain their shape. These implants are thicker and firmer than those containing silicone gel. Because this implant is wider at the bottom than the top, any sort of rotation can make the breast look odd. These implants require a somewhat longer incision than other options.
Smooth Implants
Smooth breast implants provide the softest and most natural feel.
Breast Augmentation Incision Options
There are four types of incision options for breast augmentation patients. Speak with your doctor about the best choice for your needs. These options include:
- Areolar: One of the most common incision types, the incision is made near the areola’s lower half. This method minimizes scarring.
- Inframammary: Another common incision type, this involves placing the incision in the crease under the breast. This provides the best access for the surgeon when placing the implants. It is the preferred method when using silicone breast implants.
- Transaxillary: Only available for saline implants, this incision is made under the armpits. A tunnel is created for implant placement. This type of incision leaves no scar on the breasts. It can, however, increase the risk of asymmetry in the breasts.
- Trans-umbilical breast augmentation (TUBA): Also available only for saline implants, the TUBA incision is made in the navel. A tunnel is then dissected upward toward the breasts for implant placement and filling with saline.
Breast Augmentation Recovery
After surgery, expect some soreness for the next couple of weeks. Most patients can return to work within one to weeks.
However, avoid any heavy lifting – including picking up small children, pets, or grocery bags – for at least two weeks. If you have a drain in your incision, your doctor will instruct you on how to care for it and when you can take a shower. Stay away from baths or hot tubs until incisions are fully healed for about a month. After breast augmentation, it takes several weeks for your breast implants to appear completely normal. At first, you may think your breasts are located too high on your chest. However, within a couple of months, your augmented breasts settle or “drop” and resume a normal appearance.
Capsular Contracture
There are occasions when breast augmentation requires revision, and the most common reason for this additional surgery is capsular contracture.
When any type of implant is placed inside the body, it may trigger a response identifying it as a foreign object. The body may respond by creating scar tissue around the invader. Capsular contracture occurs when the scar tissue that forms around the implant begins to harden and contract around it. Pain may result, but aesthetic consequences are more apparent. Capsular contracture may involve the following symptoms:
- Excessive breast firmness
- Abnormal roundness
- Misshapen nipples
- Breasts that are painful to the touch
Generally, capsular contracture happens within two years of surgery. Up to one-sixth of breast augmentation patients may experience capsular contracture. Capsular contracture occurs less frequently with textured gel implants than with implants with smooth surfaces. Placing the implants under the chest muscle also reduces capsular contracture risk. When capsular contracture occurs years after breast augmentation surgery, it is usually due to rupture.
Why Should you Choose us for Breast Augmentation?
If you are considering New Jersey breast augmentation options, it is important to work with a qualified physician. Our Plastic Surgeons are a Top Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon licensed in the state of New Jersey. She is Board-Certified by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and is an expert in the field of aesthetics.
Here at Parcells Plastic Surgery, we want you to feel confident and celebrate your natural beauty. We look forward to meeting you and addressing your aesthetic concerns. Call or text us if you would like to know more, or schedule an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Parcells. We hope to see you soon!
Breast Augmentation Cost
Every woman is different and has unique needs. After a one-on-one consultation with Our Plastic Surgeons, a customized surgical plan will be proposed. During the initial consultation, Our Plastic Surgeons will thoroughly review your medical history and discuss your concerns and desired outcome. She will then perform a detailed physical examination, including an evaluation of your breast skin, laxity, and nipple position.
At the consultation, Our Plastic Surgeons will also extend her expert advice, review the options for achieving the desired outcome, and will review the risks, benefits, and alternatives of the proposed procedure. The final step of the consultation is to meet with our patient care coordinator who will guide you through the process of scheduling and arriving at your surgery. She will discuss an individualized quote for your New Jersey breast augmentation, as well as address the logistics of your procedure. As not all cosmetic procedures are covered by insurance, Our Plastic Surgeons have partnered with CareCredit to help you achieve your aesthetic goals today.
Breast Augmentation FAQs
This is a great option for women with excessive (but deflated) breast tissue who want to have a natural result without an implant. Instead of using an implant, the excess breast tissue is reshaped to mimic the appearance of an implant.
Breast Implant Illness (BII) is a combination of various systemic symptoms that women with breast implants have reported. Symptoms have been reported in women with saline, silicone, smooth and textured implants. There are no known risk factors.
At this time, breast implant illness (BII) is not an official medical diagnosis, as there is no blood or diagnostic exam to test for breast implant illness. It is not currently associated with an autoimmune disease or connective tissue disease. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has made no recommendations on the diagnosis or treatment of these symptoms. Some women who have suffered from these symptoms report resolution with implant and breast capsule removal.
Breast Implant Illness is sometimes capitalized and sometimes not.
At this time, there are no long term research studies that have proven the safety of injecting fat into the breast gland and risk related to breast cancer. For this reason, Our Plastic Surgeons do not perform this procedure.
The breast augmentation procedure is performed while the patient is under anesthesia. Most patients do not experience much pain after breast augmentation. Over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen or naproxen are usually sufficient for relieving discomfort.
Most implants last at least ten years. It is not unusual for them to last twice that long, but aged implants are more likely to rupture.
Expect a small amount of scarring after breast augmentation. Over time, scars fade and become less noticeable.
Schedule a consultation
Parcells Plastic Surgery offers the most advanced surgical and cosmetic medical spa treatments to women in New Jersey.
Our Board-certified Plastic Surgeons are here to educate and empower you to celebrate your natural beauty.
4 Industrial Way West #101, Eatontown, New Jersey 07724